Dr. Theresa Adelman-Mullally Phd, RN, CNE

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Theresa Adelman-Mullally’s professional career has been varied. She became a Commissioned Officer in the US Army Nurse Corp and taught periodically at the US Army LPN School. After military service, she pursued Emergency Nursing and later, Organ Recovery Coordination. Dr. Adelman-Mullally has taught nursing since 2004, but joined Mennonite College of Nursing in August 2018. Her research focuses on Recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder and her teaching passions are Fundamentals, Mental Health Nursing, and courses related to Leadership. Dr. Adelman-Mullally received her BSN (1993) from Mennonite College of Nursing in Bloomington, IL, her MSN in 2004 from Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University in Normal, IL, and her PhD from Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University in Normal, IL. Dr. Adelman-Mullally is also a Certified Nurse Educator.
Current Courses
224.002Contemporary Professional Nursing
224.004Contemporary Professional Nursing
314.006Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing Clinicals
222.003Psychomotor Skills For Nursing
222.005Psychomotor Skills For Nursing Lab
526.005Residency In Research
Teaching Interests & Areas
Classes taught at MCN are Fundamentals of Nursing Skills Theory and Lab, Mental Health Nursing Clinical, Simulation Specialist, and Nursing Leadership Clinical.
Research Interests & Areas
Recovery from Substance Abuse Disorder, Andragogy Improvement
Ph D Nursing
MSN Nursing Systems Administration
Outstanding University Teacher Award: Teaching Initiative Award
Guest Alumni Speaker: Stethoscope Ceremony
Guest Speaker, "Hope for Heroes-Red Dress Gala
2020 Impact Award
Key Note Speaker for the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society Induction Ceremony
Guest Speaker for the White Coat Ceremony
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Dissertation Award
25 Women in Leadership Award
Maggie Reichelderfer Professional Service Award
Guest Speaker for the White Coat Ceremony
Journal Article
hierarchical organizations: A three step model. Journal of Professional Nursing, 46, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.02.002. Times cited (6).
Textbook, Revised
Digital Presentation at the 2021 Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Sharing Conference and Escape Room
Presentation Scheduled January 29, 2021