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Dr. Nancy Novotny PhD, RN, CNE

Associate Professor
Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Nancy Novotny joined Mennonite College of Nursing in Fall of 2013 as an assistant professor of nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing and PhD in nursing research from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She received the Illinois Board of Higher Educator Fellow award in 2009. Her research interests include optimizing transitions in care across settings, nursing education, clinical reasoning, and implementing the best evidence into processes in the acute care setting. Research has been funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality and Sigma Theta Tau.

Teaching Interests & Areas

NUR505 Quantitative Research Design (PhD)
NUR509 Introduction to Nursing Informatics
NUR535 Applied Data Management and Analysis (DNP)
NUR403 Professional Roles and Issues Health care
NUR327 Leadership Dimensions in Professional Nursing

Research Interests & Areas

Research interests include optimizing transitions in care across settings, nursing education, clinical reasoning, implementing the best evidence into processes in the acute care setting, and undergraduate clinical preceptorship education

Ph D Nursing Research

University of Illinois at Chicago

MS Surgical Nursing

University of Illinois at Chicago

BS Nursing

Bradley University
Peoria, IL

Other Nursing

Methodist Medical Center School of Nursing
Peoria, IL

Best Paper - 3rd Place

12th Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference

Mennonite College of Nursing Early Career Research Award

Illinois State University

Dr. Kathleen A. Hogan Faculty Development Award


Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Education Consortium Institute

Nurses Week Recognition, Methodist College Faculty

Journal Star, Peoria, IL

Nurse Educator Fellow

Illinois Board of Higher Education

Health Information Technology Scholars Program

National League for Nursing

International Honor Society of Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Epsilon Chapter

Nursing Scholarship

Rotary, Peoria, IL

Conference Proceeding

Javadi, E., Novotny, N., & Novotny, N. Mixed-approach comparison for improving online discussion efficacy: Insights from field experiments. 2018 Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference 4.4642 (2018)

Journal Article

Dyck, M. J., Novotny, N. L., Blakeman, J., Bricker, C., Farrow, A., Loverde, J., Nielsen, S., & Johnson, B. (In Review). Collaborative Student-Faculty Research to Support PhD Research Education. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Kennedy, J., Jenkins, S., Novotny, N., Astroth, K., & Woith, W. Lessons Learned in Implementation of an Expert Nurse Mentor Program. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development 36.3 (2020): 141-145.
Novotny, N., Jarvill, M., Nielsen, S., & Morris, K. Implementing a new capstone leadership clinical: One Midwestern nursing program experience. Nurse Educator


Nursing student perceptions of Assessment Technologies Institute Resources. ISU CTLT Symposium. Illinois State University. (2022)
Second-degree prelicensure student perceptions of behaviors important for preceptee success in a capstone clinical. Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th annual research conference. Midwest Nursing Research Society. (2022)
Students' perceptions of Assessment Technologies Institute resources use in a pharmacology course. 13th Annual Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference: Next Gen Learning: From Critical Thinking to Clinical Judgment to NCLEX and Beyond. NurseTim Incorporated. (2021)
Implementing a new capstone leadership clinical; One Midwestern nursing program experience.. Mennonite College of Nursing Research Symposium. Mennonite College of Nursing, Illinois State University. (2020)
New Graduate Nurses and Rapidly Changing Clinical Situations: The Role of Expert Critical Care Nurse Mentors. Annual 44th Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference. (2020)
Research as pedagogy: Collaborative faculty-student research. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference. (2019)
Research as pedagogy: Collaborative faculty-student research. AACN Doctoral Conference. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2019)

Novotny, N., & Nielsen, S. (2019).Finding balance: Quasi-Experimental evaluation of trading final semester undergraduate acute-care hours for leadership clinical activities. Sigma 2019 Congress: Theory-to-Practice Catalyzing Collaborations to Connect Globally. Retrieved from:

Dyck, M. J., & Novotny, N. L. (2019). Why won't they come? Why won't they stay? Registered Nurses in long-term care. Leading Age Illinois, April 2, 2019, Schaumburg, IL.
Dyck, M. J., Novotny, N. L., Blakeman, J., Bricker, C., Farrow, A., Loverde, J., Nielsen, S., & Johnson, B. (2019). Research as pedagogy: Collaborative faculty-student research. AACN Doctoral Conference, January 17, 2019, Coronado, CA.

Grants & Contracts

Important behaviors for nursing student preceptee success in a capstone clinical course. Illinois State University. Local. (2021)
Preceptor-facilitated Clinical Experiences in U.S. Pre-licensure Nursing Programs. Sigma Theta Tau International Xi Pi Chapter. Private. (2016)
University Research Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2015)
Evidence to refine statistical education in nursing: Commonly reported statistics in nursing related literature. Illinois State University. (2014)
Enhancing Critical Thinking in Online Asynchronous Discussions. Center for Teaching and Learning Technology. Illinois State University. (2013)