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Dr. Marilyn Prasun PhD, CCNS, CNL, CHFN, FAHA

Carle BroMenn Medical Center Endowed Professor
Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Dr. Marilyn Prasun is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Researcher and the Carle BroMenn Medical Center Endowed Professor, Mennonite College of Nursing. Areas of research include; Atrial fibrillation, heart failure, biomarkers, dyspnea, diuretic titration and fluid management of HF patients, patient education and adherence to treatment recommendations, quality of life and nurses’ knowledge of evidence-based practice. She has worked with hospitalized cardiac patients as well as outpatients for the past 20+ years as an advanced practice nurse and researcher.

Current Courses

523.001Applied Research

523.001Applied Research


299.001Independent Honor Study In Nursing

526.001Residency In Research

545.091Scholarly Project II

Research Interests & Areas

Atrial fibrillation, heart failure, biomarkers, dyspnea, diuretic titration and fluid management of HF patients, patient education and adherence to treatment recommendations, quality of life and nurses’ knowledge of evidence-based practice.

Ph D

University of Illinois Chicago
Chicago, IL


Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, IL


Sangamon State University
Springfield, IL


Parkland College
Champaign, IL


Decatur Vocational Center
Decatur, IL

Teaching Excellence Award

Millikin University

Associate Professor

Promotion and Tenure: School of Nursing at Millikin University


American Heart Association

Martha Lindsey Award

Illinois Society of Advance Practice Nurses

Dean's Award

University of Illinois Chicago

Martha Hill New Investigator of the Year

American Heart Association

Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award

American Heart Association

Volunteer of the Year Award

American Diabetes Association

Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville


Kocheril, A., & Prasun, M. Results of linear lesions created by a multi-electrode ablation catheter in patients with recurrent atrial fibrillation. Springer (EDs). 6th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (1999)
Crutcher, K., Krebs, H., Su, Y., & Prasun, M. The Impact of Covid-19 on Patients in Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II.. Circulation

Book, Chapter

Prasun, M. Measuring Outcomes in Heart Failure (Chapter 13). Heart Failure Disease Management: From Planning to Implementation / AAHFN Publishing (2014)
Prasun, M. Promoting Adherence to Treatment Recommendations (Chapter 8). Heart Failure Disease Management: From Planning to Implementation / AAHFN Publishing (2014)

Journal Article

Blakeman, J., Calderon, S., Watkins, S., Kim, M., Peterson, K., & Prasun, M. A cross-sectional study of Hispanic and Latina/o/x/e individuals’ acute coronary syndrome symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Heart & Lung (2024)
Cossio, A., Cobb, W., Fugit, A., Nielsen, S., Hesson-McInnis, M., & Prasun, M. Examination of Nursing Staffs' Perceptions of the COVI-19 Vaccine Using the Health Belief Model. Western Journal of Nursing Research 46.3 (2024): 229-235.
Elizalde A, Hammer D, Su Y, Prasun MA. Increasing teachers' confidence during health emergencies: A hands-on quality improvement program led by the school nurse. J Pediatr Nurs. 2024 Jul-Aug;77:e263-e269. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2024.04.038. Epub 2024 Apr 27. PMID: 38679506.
Blakeman, J., Prasun, M., & Kim, M. Predictors of acute coronary syndrome symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs in adults without self-reported heart disease. Heart & Lung 60 (2023)
Blakeman, J., Kim, M., & Prasun, M. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the ACS-Response Index in Adults Without Diagnosed Heart Disease. Journal of Nursing Measurement 31.2 (2022)

Magazine/Trade Publication

Challans, S., Kocheril, A., & Prasun, M. Music and Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. EP Digest (2012): 18-19.
Prasun, M., & Reilly, C. From Mic to Men (2012)


A Cross-Sectional Study of Hispanic and Latina/o/e/x Individuals' Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs. Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2024)
Exploring Hispanic and Latina/o/x Individuals’ heart attack symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium. (2023)
Sociodemographic and clinical variables predict acute coronary syndrome symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs in adults without diagnosed heart disease. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. (2022)
Following Flo's footsteps: Nursing research that shapes HF practices and outcomes. AAHFN & HFSA Annual Meeting. AAHFN & HFSA. (2020)
Pharmacology and the future of managing the HF patient. AAHFN Annual Pharmacology Pre-Conference Meeting. AAHFN. (2020)

Grants & Contracts

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Related to Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptoms and Perceived Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk in Spanish-Speaking and English-Speaking Hispanic and Latinx Individuals in the United States. University Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2021)