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Dr. Judy Neubrander EdD, FNP-BC

Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall 306
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Judy Neubrander, EdD, FNP-BC Judy is a tenured nursing professor who has over 20 years of academic experience and currently serves as the Dean of the Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University. In her academic role she has been a successful teacher and grant writer and principal investigator, garnering over $7 million dollars in federal funding to support the advancement of nursing education. She has also serves as a community leader serving on numerous boards and volunteering at a local free clinic. In her current role she is implementing a strategic plan within the college of nursing that is innovative and will stretch the college to a new level of leadership within the community and state and will continue the reputation of educational excellence the college has enjoyed for the last 100 years. She is a person of faith who enjoys being outdoors, and spending time with family and friends

Teaching Interests & Areas

Dr. Neubrander's areas of teaching interest include teacher education, hospice and palliative care and health care policy and ethics.

Research Interests & Areas

Dr. Neubrander's areas of research include hospice and palliative care, nursing education and undergraduate student research.

Other Family Nurse Practitioner/Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL

EDD Adult and Community College

North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Raleigh, NC

MSN Education and Adult Health

University of Kansas

BSN Nursing

William Jewell College

Bell Ringer

Illinois State University

HERS Institute Fellow

Higher Education Resources

Nominated for Great 100 Nurses

State of North Carolina

North Carolina Nurses Association Benefactor of the Year Award

North Carolina Nurses Association

College of Health and Human Sciences Leadership Award

College of Health and Human Sciences

Faculty Research and Scholarship Award

College of Health and Human Sciences

Nominated for Great 100 Nurses

State of North Carolina

Nurse Educator of Tomorrow Scholarship, State of North Carolina


Don C. Morgan Faculty Scholar Award

Western Carolina University College of Applied Sciences

Excellence in Teaching Award

Western Carolina University Department of Nursing

Book, Chapter

Neubrander, J. Drugs that inhibit DNA replication and mitosis:. Hardin, D (EDs). Jones and Bartlett (2013)
Neubrander, J. Drugs that inhibit DNA replication and mitosis: Flouroquinolones, metronidazole.. Jones and Bartlett Learning (2013)

Journal Article

Watkins, S., Joseph, A. R., Wright, V., Goddard, S., & Neubrander, J. (2024). The Effect of Interprofessional Education on Student Readiness for Collaborative Practice. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(5), 304–311.
Watkins, S., & Neubrander, J. COVID-19 Registered Nurse Telehealth Policy Implications. American Nurses Association A The Voice 8.1 (2020): Pg. 4.
Watkins, S., & Neubrander, J. Primary Care Registered Nurse Telehealth Policy Implications. Anthony Smith (EDs). Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 0.0 (2020): 4.
Watkins, S., Neubrander, J., & Woodburn, M. CAUSE project to increase primary care nurses. Kevin Bersett (EDs). Illinois State University Redbird Scholar 4.2 (2019): 24-25.
Neubrander, J., Franzen, S., & Mathis, R. INPUT: An academic-practice partnership to an underserved rural community. Wiley (2018): 1-5.


Interprofessional education for the advancement of exercise science and improvement in health outcomes.. National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Annual Conference. National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education. (2025)
Acute care nurses’ interest and barriers to transitioning into an academic education role. Illinois Organization of Nurse Leaders. Illinois Organization of Nurse LEaders. (2024)
Illinois Ambulatory Nurse Practice Consortium Spring Continuing Education Event: Ambulatory Leadership Panel Discussion. Illinois Ambulatory Nurse Practice Consortium Spring Continuing Education Event. Illinois Ambulatory Nurse Practice Consortium. (2021)
Interprofessional education simulation learning outcomes study.. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference Poster Presentation. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference Poster Presentation. (2021)
Nursing Interprofessional Education Simulation Learning Outcomes Study. 2021 Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Annual Research Conference. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2021)
Nursing Interprofessional Education Simulation Learning Outcomes Study. MCN Virtual Research Symposium 2021. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2021)
Exploring the Primary Care Registered Nurse Role, Barriers, and Education Gaps for Elevated Practice Levels. 45th Annual American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. (2020)
Exploring the primary Care Registered Nurse Role, Barriers, Benefits, and Education Gaps for Elevated Practice Levels. Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS). (2020)
Mennonite College of Nursing. (2020). Illinois State University
Symposium on Ambulatory CareJUNE 5 - 30 • REMOTE ACCESS.

Change Agents for the Underserved: Service Education. HRSA Quarterly Meeting. Health Resources and Service Education. (2019)

Grants & Contracts

Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching Innovation Grant received for Evaluation of The Innovative Card Game Collaborate: Learning IPE One Hand at A Time.. ISU. Illinois State University. (2022)
CAUSE COVID-19 Telehealth Education Grant. Health Resources and Services Administration. Federal. (2020)
CAUSE_Change Agents for the Underserved Service Education. HRSA. Federal. (2018)
Nursing Student Medication Administration Practice in the Clinical Setting: A Multisite Study. Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University. (2018)
Sigma Theta Tau International Grant. Sigma Theta Tau Xi Pi Chapter. Private. (2017)