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Dr. Cherrill Stockmann PhD, RN, CNE

Assistant Professor
Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Dr. Stockmann’s clinical specialty area is mental health nursing. Her research focuses on the use of simulation technology as an assessment strategy for diverse groups of learners. She utilizes innovative assessment methods, including the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), to evaluate student learning outcomes. In November 2017, she conducted a pilot study with undergraduate mental health nursing students to establish initial validity and reliability of a 13-station, mental health OSCE. She is collaborating with mental health nursing faculty to further establish the psychometric properties of this evaluation method and plans to implement a full study in November 2018. She serves as chair-elect for the Midwest Nursing Research Society Qualitative Methods Research Interest Group. She also serves as a reviewer for Clinical Simulation in Nursing and the International Journal of Human Caring. Her additional research interests center on clinician well-being and the use of presence in the nurse-client relationship.

Current Courses


507.001Qualitative Research Design

336.001Research And Theory For Evidence-Based Practice

526.007Residency In Research

503.001Theoretical Basis Of Nursing Research

Research Interests & Areas

Faculty well-being and the use of OSCE's to assess undergraduate mental health skills.

Ph D Nursing

St. Louis University
St. Louis, Missouri

MSN Nursing

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Edwardsville, Illinois


St. Louis University
St. Louis, Missouri

Daisy Award

Methodist College

Journal Article

Stockmann, C., Diaz, D., Murphy, D., Marchini, M., Huffman-Frazee, J., & Anderson, M. Development of a mental health Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): A pilot study. Tim Clapper (EDs). Simulation & Gaming 00.0 (2019): 1-13.
Maruca, A., Diaz, D., Gonzalez, L., & Stockmann, C. Using Simulation with Nursing Students to Promot Affirmative ractice Toward the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexul, and Transgender Population: A Multi-Site Study. Nursing Education Perspectives 39.4 (2018): 225-229.
Stockmann, C. Presence in the nurse-client relationship: An integrative review. International Journal for Human Caring. International Journal for Human Caring 22.2 (2018): 1-18.
Stockmann, C., Gabor, O., DiVito-Thomas, P., & Ehlers, C. The use and intended outcomes of presence: A focus group study. Internal Journal Terminol Knowledge 29.1 (2018)
Stockmann, C., & Diaz, D. Students’ perceptions of the psychological well-being of a transgender client through simulation. Journal of Nursing Education 56.12 (2017): 741-744.

Textbook, Revised

Stockmann, C. Leadership and management in nursing: Nursing infomatics. Prentice Hall (2003)
Murray, R., Zentner, J., & Stockmann, C. Health Promotion Strategies through the Life Span. Prentice Hall (2001)


Nursing Faculty Well-Being: A Focus Group Study. MCN Virtual Scholarship Symposium: Research, Evidence-Based Practice and Innovation. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2021)
The scope of LGBTQI health content in pre-licensure nursing curricula. NLN Nursing Education Summit. National League for Nursing. (2021)
Mental Health Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): A Pilot Study. 2019 Annual Research Conference. Midwest Nursing Research Society. (2019)
Panel Discussion for Real Boy. WUCF. WUCF. (2017)
The Use of Presence in the Nurse-Client Relationship. International Conference. Sigma Theta Tau. (2016)
The Use of Presence in the Nurse-Client Relationship. Southern Nursing Research Society. (2015)

Grants & Contracts

Nursing faculty well-being: A focus group study. Mennonite College of Nursing. Illinois State University. (2021)
Development of a Mental Health Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for Undergraduate Nursing Education. Mennonite College of Nursing Internal Grant Program. Illinois State University. (2018)