Dr. Hubbell is a 1995 and 2008 graduate of Saint Francis College of Nursing in Peoria, IL and an alumnus of Illinois State University since 2019. She is a proud first generation college student! Dr. Hubbell has been a registered nurse for nearly 30 years and in academia since 2009; she enjoys collaborating with students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. On broad terms, her research interests are in seeking equity and justice for marginalized populations so that they all may have the same opportunities to reach their own dream! She has taught in nursing programs from licensed practical nursing through doctoral level nursing during her career. As a nurse researcher, Dr. Hubbell is an advocacy researcher who is working to improve the health outcomes for all African American women by showing that physical activity can be a natural part of their daily lives.
General medical surgical nursing. Nursing research. Ethical nursing practice.
Physical Activity in African American Women; Qualitative Research; Health Disparities Research; Social Determinants of Health; the effects of structural racism on the health of marginalized populations.