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Coletta Kintzle Memorial Scholarship

Coletta Kintzle, the second oldest of seven children, grew up on a farm in Iowa. In those days, the need for many helping hands on the farm caused Coletta to quit school after her sophomore year to help at home.

At the age of 20, she married an ambitious farmhand who was working for a neighbor. It wasn’t long before they purchased a farm of their own and raised six children. They were blessed with 74 years together and died seven months apart in 2010 at ages 95 and 97.

A few days prior to Coletta’s death, her daughter Joyce was sitting by her bedside when Coletta began to share memories of her life. What stood out most to Joyce in that conversation was the fact that Coletta had always wanted to be a nurse, a dream that Coletta had not shared with anyone before. Since she had to quit school at such a young age, her goal to become a nurse was never realized. Family and farming always came first.

It wasn’t long before Joyce began to think about ways she could honor her mom with a Memorial. Since Joyce was an ISU graduate and her mom had always wanted to be a nurse, a Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship at ISU seemed to be a perfect match. Coletta would certainly be pleased to know that even though her dream was never achieved, industrious and caring students will be able to pursue their dream with the assistance of Coletta’s Memorial Scholarship. Colette was a lady with great faith and her family prays that recipients of this scholarship will carry on the Lord’s work throughout their nursing careers.