Transcultural Nursing
Take your nursing education to a global level with this study abroad opportunity. MCN's Transcultural Nursing Experience Program takes students beyond the traditional boundaries of classroom, offering eligible nursing students at the undergraduate level an opportunity to participate in a learning opportunity to study culturally diverse populations at the international level.
At a Glance
- Students go together as a group and are accompanied by faculty.
- Experience is 7 days and takes place in the summer immediately following spring term of junior year.
- Students must register for a Transcultural Nursing course.
- Knowledge of Spanish language is preferred but not required.
- Must pass all nursing classes taken in the two semesters prior to departure.
- Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Current Destination: Panama, University of Panama
MCN refreshes its destinations over time. In the past, students have traveled to Russia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and more. Please check this page to stay updated on the experiences being offered.
Experience Overview
The Panama program offers nursing students both observational hours in a variety of healthcare settings and cultural experiences. Participants have an opportunity to learn about international healthcare systems in Latin America and specifically within the country of Panama. Students will become global citizens, able to meet the needs of diverse populations as future nurses. They will learn about Latinx culture, healthcare systems in private and public hospitals, community sites, and more, enabling them to learn the nursing roles and communication processes within health care systems in Panama. Outside of healthcare, students’ experiences are an opportunity to learn about the people and the culture of Panama, enhance their cultural sensitivity, and experience the challenge of overcoming language barriers. Tours of historic and local cultural sites are also part of the program.
The nursing students will stay in a centrally located hotel, and van service will be provided to get students from their hotel to observational sites, healthcare settings, and cultural experience sites.
Estimated Cost
The cost of the program is tuition for the one credit course NUR313 plus travel expenses. Please contact the coordinator for further details, and/or attend an information meeting.
Our Transcultural Nursing program welcomes visitors to our campus every year. Nursing visitors have a full schedule packed with local clinical site visits and observations, sitting in on MCN classes, learning about the American health care system, and participating in simulations in the simulation lab. These visitors also meet and socialize with MCN nursing students and faculty.
Contact Us
Elizabeth Kosuth
Administrative Aide
(309) 438-7116
Susana J Calderon PhD, RN
Transcultural Faculty Advisor
(309) 438-2562